Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

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Just a quick note to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. You are the real full-time human resource managers - 24 hours a day, without sick days, vacation time, or retirement. Your influence will live on for generations. I salute you for your tireless efforts in raising the next generation.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

How NOT to Resolve a Dispute with Your Supervisor

Arbitration (bringing in a third party to resolve a conflict between two entities) is a useful alternative dispute resolution technique that can be effectively used in the right situation.

This is not how it should be done:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Discrimination Based on Perception: The Case of Naida Hosan

(image from

Naida Hosan changed her name to Naida Christian Nova because of the harassment that she received from fellow Army personnel, all because her last name sounded too Islamic. Even though Naida is Catholic, she claims to have been the victim of harassment based on the perception that others had of her religion.

As initially reported by the AP and made front page news on Yahoo!, Naida claims that even her name change and reassignment did not stop the harassment. It eventually led her to check herself into a military hospital because of depression and thoughts of suicide. After formally filing a complaint and request for voluntary discharge, she was instead involuntarily discharged for "ineffective leadership." Citing recent performance appraisals to the contray, Naida filed suit against the Army, who subsequently made an about face and dropped the involuntary discharge. Naida, in turn, dropped the lawsuit and continues to be enlisted in the Army.

This case highlights the fact that discrimination and harassment do not have to be based in the victim being an actual member of a protested class (religion and national origin, in this case), but can characterized by others' perceptions and subsequent treatment of the individual.