Friday, April 9, 2010

Throwing Back a Cold One is Put on Ice

If you are like most people, when you think of the perks or benefits associated with your job, you might think about your 401k, insurance, bonuses, employee discounts or paid time off. But if you worked at Carlsberg Breweries in Denmark, you could add a unique perk to your list: the right to throw back a cold one at any time during the work day - at least until recently.

Workers at the brewery recently went on strike when company management unilaterally restricted the workers' right to drink beer on the job to only three pints per day, and only during breaks and lunch. I guess before that, the workers could enjoy a brewski pretty much anytime during their shift. And according to quotes from the Wall Street Journal article, this included forklift operators and truck drivers (who can still drink their three pints a day, as long as they can pass the Alcolock breathalyzer safety device for their vehicle).

Sounds to me like a non-stop party and/or accident waiting to happen. But representatives for the company claim that they have a low accident rate related to alcohol, and the change was made more because of recent studies that linked alcohol consumption with lower productivity.

For now, the workers have temporarily ended their strike, and management has agreed to revisit the restriction and negotiate with employees. Keep an eye on this story as it keeps brewing. (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the employees are just doing this out of principle or do they really want to drink that much on the job. I would think that most of the employees are simply angry that they changed the rules and most of them probably don't participate in that much alcohol on the job. Is this just an outlet for other problems they may be be having?

    With that being said, what kind of crazy company would let their employees drink and drive on the job?!?!
